$1,100.00 USD

6 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

I am looking forward to working with you, and am committed to helping you achieve your vision for you and your family.


Family Coaching Services


As your coach, you can expect me to:

  encourage you to care for yourself so that you can be your best as a parent.

  support you in setting goals and taking the steps to meet your goals.

  provide careful listening, powerful questions and honest feedback.

  give you my Joyful Family Framework and guide you on it’s implementation during our coaching sessions.


As my client, I expect that you will:

  be honest with yourself and with me.

  commit to goals that are meaningful to you.

  take ownership for your progress and your accomplishments.

  implement all the parts of this framework that make sense to you and your children.


Payment Procedures

Payments for this coaching program is required in advance of scheduling appointments. You can choose to spread your payments over 6 months.


Session Time

A scheduled time will be mutually agreed on by choosing a booking slot in my calendar. I will call you via Zoom at the designated time.


Cancellation Policy

My time is valuable, as is yours, and is to always be treated as such by both. Cancelled appointments require a minimum of 24 hours notice or are subject to your session fee being forfeit. Sessions can, however, be rescheduled anytime prior to the 24 hour cut-off.


Refund Policy 

If, after two weeks in Joyful Family Coaching you decide that it’s not for you, just let me know and I’ll refund 100% of your tuition. You have 14 days to change your mind.



I protect the confidentiality of all my clients. I will only release information about our work with your permission.



You will not distribute the digital and/or printable content and materials of this program with anyone outside of your household.


Coaching and Psychotherapy

Coaching services aim to increase parenting confidence, comfort, parent-child and sibling relationships. This is done by encouraging you to make significant behavior and lifestyle changes to incorporate new skills. Psychotherapy is a health service that includes mental health practitioners with training and experience in diagnosing and treating emotional and psychological problems. The coaching provided does not include psychotherapy or any other health care service.


Coaching Commitment

Though at times it may feel like a close personal relationship, the coaching relationship is a professional relationship. As the coach, my job is to further build on and develop the parenting skills and knowledge you already possess and to assist you in decisions about making changes. I will be honest, direct, and at times challenge you in ways that might feel uncomfortable. As the client, you will set the direction and focus of the coaching sessions and to determine how much change you are able or willing to make. You will be expected to be honest about your progress and to speak up and discuss your concerns.

By registering for our coaching program, you agree to the following:

  I agree to all terms and conditions above and am committed to change and improve my parenting skills, confidence, and relationships with my children.

  I understand that parent coaching is a comprehensive process that may involve or touch on many areas of my life including work, health, relationships, education and recreation. I acknowledge that deciding how to handle these issues and implement any changes is exclusively my responsibility.

  I understand that coaching is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or substance abuse treatment. I will not use it in place of any form of diagnosis, treatment or therapy.


Your registration for our coaching program indicates that you have read the information in this agreement and agree to abide by all its terms and conditions during the professional coaching relationship. I appreciate your trust and the opportunity to serve you!


We’ll talk soon,

Lorena T. Seidel, M.Ed. 


Imagine your child thriving at home, at school, and in life… And you finally skilled and in “the right” state of mind to navigate the everyday challenges.


What is included:

In-depth Video Lessons:: W
atching the digital content. You have lifetime access to this content, you can revisit it whenever you need it- and share with your nanny, grandparents, or childcare person.

Make New Daily Habits Stick:: Joyful Family Quiz, Joyful Family Upgrade Assessment, Printable Planner, Printable Guide, and Troubleshooting Guide.

Your 90 Day Plan:: During these sessions, we’ll set your big parenting goals and then break them down into weekly action steps. Plan for joyful sustainable progress. Stay in action. And track our progress and wins! 

Join Weekly Coaching Circle:: access to weekly group coaching/Q&A calls for consistent practice and implementation!  

Direct Email/Text Access!:: Reach out to me {Lorena} through email and text support, so you’ll never feel alone.

Private Coaching:: 12 private sessions with Lorena tailored to your family’s unique challenges and needs. True magic happens in those sessions!

Joyful Family Activities:: upgrade everyone's EQ and communication skills with hands-on activities. 


What is it like to work with me?

In our session I’ll walk you through the Joyful Family Framework: A 4-step process combining mindset exercises, positive discipline strategies, progressive methods of education, and emotional intelligence to break cycles of negative parent-child interactions and replace it with a positive and healthy family dynamic.

Our private sessions will be a mix of parenting coaching, hands-on practicing and tweaking of new strategies, troubleshooting everyday challenges you (and/or your children) are experiencing, and accountability and implementation with a practical and actionable “game-plan”.

From rewiring your parenting mindset, repairing parent-child relationships, to developing social-emotional skills for your whole family. These 60 minute sessions will be packed with everything you need to become the parent you always wanted to be or wish you had.